Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Squares squares and more squares

I'm working on an afghan for my bed. This is square one! Yay! I've just barely started square two. I'm also working on a sweater that is knit on my KK Yellow Loom. I would take a pic but all it really looks like right now is a hat on there or something. lol. It is knit in four pieces with flat panel knitting. It is therefore taking a while. I'm knitting it with two strands of Homespun in two different colors.
I wish Ravelry had a way to show knitting with looms too....maybe they will work on that at some point. *shrug*
We have snow here tonight! It is falling in big fat flakes. I get to stay home tomorrow since the pest control guy is coming (we have a mouse). I am going to clean in the morning and knit all afternoon. Yippee! Probably they will cancel school anyway. They do when the snow barely falls.
OH! I also found out from my dear friend and The Yarn Harlot's blog that she is coming to Nashville soon for a book signing of her newest book. I am going!!!
Well ya'll...I'm out


JenWiehl said...

Looking forward to seeing the progress on the afghan as I really hope to get there myself some day.
Really pretty color!


Aunt Kathy said...

Will all your squares be in the same color and pattern?

That purple is so soothing, I love it.

Amy the knittin fool said...


They will be the same pattern but different colors of the same yarn. My husband just loved how soft the yarn is.
