Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Warm-Up America

My newest project OTN is a 7 x 9 inch square for Warm-Up America.

Looks pretty unimpressive now but it will be cool when knitted up with many others. I should say it will be pretty warm. I'm wanting to do more charity knitting so I decided to jump on in with this one. This is being knitted in Simply Soft in black because that is what I had. There is a contest going for the group who knits the most squares with Simply Soft which has a prize of $300. My group plans to use the money if we win for more yarn to make more squares for those in need! If you are interested in joining our group, leave me a comment and I'll get you the address.

Next still on the needle is my dishcloth. I'm about 3/4 of the way done now. I am loving it. Can't wait to do some more of them. I don't have anymore cotton yarn tho....hmmm must go yarn shopping! What a drag!! *wink*

Hope you are still voting daily for February Knit Girl. Contest ends on Thursday! Well, I'm off to run errands.

I'm out



Aunt Kathy said...

What dishcloth pattern are you knitting? I love dishcloths and cotton. that's one yarn I can never have too much of.

I knit/crochet squares for charities too, I love it.

Amy the knittin fool said...

I'll have to search for the pattern. I know it was a free one...CO 46 stitches.

Rows 1 and 2 Knit
Rows 3 and 4 K2 *K1 P1. Continue from * until last two stitches then K2.
Continue rows 1-4 until cloth is desired length.

I did not have a gauge on this...just started knittin away...

Thanks for the comment!
